Valentin Uvarov. And the whole world is not enough...//«Russia in Global Politics» 07.03.2024
Valentin Uvarov. Space Cleaner//«Russia in Global Politics» 07.10.2023
Valentin Uvarov. Space fines and «American CDPD» // «Russia in Global Politics» 2023. September 04.
Valentin Uvarov. Space forks of sanctions policy // Russia in Global Politics. 2022. April 22.
Valentin Uvarov. Green Revolution in the American way. // Russian Council on Foreign Affairs. 2021. December 23.
Uvarov V.B. Biden's «Climate Manifesto»: global games around the carbon footprint. Valdai Club. 2021. February 01.
Dickie C., Uvarov V.B. New «Soyuz-Apollo» from space debris // Expert. 2021. № 40.
Valentin Uvarov. Space as a platform in the climate war // Russia in Global Politics. 2021. March 29.
Uvarov V.B. Why Russian space is not visible behind the legal forest // Expert. 2020. № 30.
Valentin Uvarov. Networks of «Artemis». How America plans to conquer the Moon // Nezavisimoe Voennoe Obozrenie. 2020. June 18.
Valentin Uvarov. Harmony of economic interests and national security: what American «space rangers» want to gain // Nezavisimoe Voennoe Obozrenie.
Valentin Uvarov: we all wanted to get ahead of the United States on bioprinting in space // RIA Novosti. 2018. December 19.
Uvarov, V.B. «American window» in deep space // Izvestia. 2018. January 12.
Participation in forums, conferences, round tables:
74th International Astronautical Congress, colloquium «Current processes in space law with a focus on space debris removal», paper «Cooperative space debris removal: ready for action» (Baku, October 2023).
II International Conference «Digital International Relations 2023», section «International Space Law: Current State and Prospects» (track - «Current Trends in Space Diplomacy»), report «Space Debris Removal: Opportunities for International Law and Public Diplomacy» (Moscow, October 2023).
XI St. Petersburg International Legal Forum, report «Legal Incentives for Attracting Private Investments in the Russian Space Economy: Problems and Opportunities» (St. Petersburg, May 2023).
International Conference «Modern International Legal Regime of Natural Resources of Celestial Bodies: Impact of Legislative Innovations», paper «Organizational and Legal Aspects of Space Debris Removal.» (Belgrade-Moscow, October 2022).
International Round Table «The Role of Law in Enhancing Social and Economic Benefits of Space Projects», paper «Mechanisms of Space Cooperation in a Conflicted World» (Shenzhen-Moscow, October 2022).
Round table of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy on «Improving legislative regulation to create conditions for attracting private investment in the development of space programs» (Moscow, February 2023), report «On measures to attract private investment in the space sector of the economy of the Russian Federation».
International round table «Cooperation and Rivalry in Space: Legal Problems and Prospects» (Shenzhen-Moscow, June 2022), report «Problems of using Earth remote sensing data for monitoring greenhouse gases: where is the border between space and climate law?».
Meeting of the Expert Council of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy on the topic «The role of Earth remote sensing from space in the implementation of Russia's climate agenda» (Moscow, March 2022).
EAEU Business Forum «Space Integration». Report «Using EAEU mechanisms to develop common system requirements for the development of equipment and methodology for processing space-based greenhouse gas observations» (Moscow, December 2022).
Moscow Government International Forum «Economy and Law in the Digital Age: Transformation of Business Systems», report «Climate Monitoring System and Creation of Digital Services and Products to Assess the Carbon Impact of Business and Capital Transition to Measure the Compliance of Investment Portfolios with Climate Scenarios» (Moscow, 2022)
Twenty-sixth UN Climate Conference (Glasgow, Scotland, 2021).
«Russian-American Roundtable on Preventing the Militarization of Outer Space» (Moscow, IMEMO RAS, December 2018)
UN Conference on Space Law and Policy (Istanbul, Turkey, September 2019)
First UN Conference on Space Law and Policy (Moscow, September 2018)
Author and co-author of more than 50 publications on space policy, economics and law, regular participant of major international scientific and expert forums.
Among his scientific publications:
Popova S.M., Uvarov V.B., Yanik A.A. Regulation of remote sensing of the Earth from space: international experience // International Law. 2022. № 3. С. 1 - 27. DOI: 10.25136/2644-5514.2022.3.38577
Uvarov V.B. «Space legacy» of Donald Trump. Russia in Global Politics No. 2 April/March 2021. DOI: 10.31278 / 1810-6439-2021-19-2-131-146
Stetsenko A.V., Uvarov V.B. Using the mechanisms of the Paris Climate Agreement for the conservation and restoration of forests in the Russian Federation // Federalism. 2020. № 4. С. 141-156. DOI: 10.21686/2073-1051-2020-4-141-156
Uvarov V.B. Increasing the efficiency of ISS use: modern approaches to commercialization of space experiments // Space Research. 2017. № 4. С. 252-261. DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2017.4.25023
Expert and public activities:
2022-present - Member of the Expert Advisory Council under the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation
2021-ongoing - Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council for Improving Legislative Regulation of the Space Industry of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Committee for Economic Policy
2021-present - expert of the Valdai International Discussion Club
2017-present - member of the Independent Directors Association
2020-present - member of the International Institute of Space Law (France), an international non-governmental organization under the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
2014-2017 - member of the State Commission for conducting flight tests of manned space complexes
2014-2017 - Member of the Scientific and Technical Council of Roscosmos State Corporation
2014-2017 - Member of the Space Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2014-2017 - Head of the Department of Commercial Projects in the field of manned cosmonautics and space exploration, JSC United Rocket and Space Corporation (ORKK)
2019-2020 - Deputy Head of the Center of JSC TsNIImash (Roscosmos State Corporation)
2017-2019 - Agency for Strategic Initiatives (SpaceNet STI project)
2015-2016 - Member of the Board of Directors of JSC NPO Energomash named after Academician V.P. Glushko
International Law Department of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (1983)
Joint program of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation and the AFW Academy of Economics and Management (Bad Harzburg, Germany) (1997)
Advanced training course on the program «Independent Director» at the Higher School of Public Administration of Lomonosov Moscow State University (2017)
Foreign languages: English, Spanish.
Russian expert, specialist in space policy, economics and law, member of the International Institute of Space Law, Director of ANO Space Economics and Policy
Research interests: Creation of favorable legal conditions for the development of the space economy; problems of security of Earth orbits and space traffic; regulation of the acquisition, processing and dissemination of remote Earth observation data from space, as well as products based on them; formation of a new world order in the field of space resources.
+7 (495) 363-77-22 ext. 201
9, Bld. 4 Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., 125167 Moscow, Russia