About myself:
4th year student, FMP, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Laureate of the 1st degree of the All-Russian competition of student research papers, organized by IMEMO RAS with the support of the journals «Analysis and Forecast» and «Razvedchik» in the group of co-authors of the research paper NSO FMP: «Evolution of approaches to alliance issues in US national security strategies: from Obama to Biden» .

Shikhanova M.A. Space meteorology - dual-purpose technology. Collection of New Communication Spaces, Faculty of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University / Edited by A.M. Ponamareva, V.A. Veselov, I.L. Prokhorenko, T.V. Skorospelova, L.E. Slutsky, A.V. Fenenko. [Electronic resource] - M.: LLC «AF BE», issue 2(5) 2023. Mode of access: link

Shikhanova M.A. Space meteorology - dual-purpose technology. Proceedings of the International Youth Scientific Forum «Lomonosov-2023» / Edited by I.A. Aleshkovsky, A.V. Andriyanov, E.A. Antipov, E.I. Zimakova. [Electronic resource] - Moscow: MAKS Press, 2023. Access mode: link

Shikhanova M.A. International legal responsibility of states in outer space. Collection of theses of the All-Russian competition of scientific works named after Lobachevsky. Lobachevsky. / Compilers: A.E. SHAFIKOVA, A.R. AKHMETOVA. [Electronic resource] - LLC «Buk», Kazan, 2024. Access mode: link
Shikhanova M.A. in the group of co-authors.

Evolution of approaches to alliance issues in US national security strategies: from Obama to Biden. Razvedchik Journal / Editor-in-Chief Mikhail Pogudin. [Electronic resource] - M.: № 4 (5) 2023. Access mode: link
Department of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Professional direction: Research
Head of the Research area
9, Bld. 4 Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., 125167 Moscow, Russia
Maria Shikhanova
Andrey Yanik
Russian scientist-economist, member of the New Economic Association of Russia, full State Counselor of the Russian Federation, 1st class (1998)

Mariam Yuzbashyan
Specialist in international space law, international private space law, including legal support of international commercial space projects.

Valentin Uvarov
Russian expert, specialist in space policy, economics and law, member of the International Institute of Space Law, Director of ANO Space Economics and Policy

Svetlana Popova
Russian research scientist, member of the International Institute of Space Law, State Counselor of the Russian Federation 1st class

Andrey Bogokin
Strategic management consultant, PhD in Economics. Author of methodologies «Active Scenario», «Designing Event Flows» and «The Role of Strategic Scenarios in Changing Business Reality»

Autonomous non-commercial organization Research Center «Space Economy and Policy»
Политика обработки персональных данных