Research paper:
Author of a number of articles on topical issues of international space law, speaker at conferences, including international ones. Principal executor of the research project «Evolution of the international legal regime for the exploration and use of natural resources of celestial bodies: conclusions for the policy of the Russian Federation» (RNF), 2023 - 2025.

SPIN code of the author: 3572-5926

Among scientific publications:

1. Vylegzhanin, A.N., Yuzbashyan, M.R., Muntean, M.E.. Space policy of Japan: international legal perspective // Japanese Studies. - 2024. - № 4.

2. Muntyan, M. E. To the question of international legal regulation of testing and use of anti-satellite weapons / M. E. Muntean // Days of Science of the Faculty of Law of the National Research University Higher School of Economics - 2023 : Collection of articles based on the results of the VII Annual All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Postgraduates, Moscow, March 23-24, 2023. - Moscow: Izdatelstvo «Znanie-M», 2023. - С. 143-148.

3. Muntyan, M. E. To the issue of interpretation of the term «space traffic control» in international space law / M. E. Muntean // Agrarian and Land Law. - 2023. - № 8(224). - С. 141-146. - DOI 10.47643/1815-1329_2023_8_141.

4. Muntyan, M. E. Experience of Japan in the field of research and use of outer space: national and international legal aspects / M. E. Muntean, E. R. Sigauri-Gorsky // Theory and practice of social development. - 2023. - № 8(184). - С. 226-233. - DOI 10.24158/tipor.2023.8.29.

5. Muntyan, M. E. International legal and national regulation of satellite constellations: problems and points of contact / M. E. Muntean // Lomonosov-2022 : Proceedings of the International Youth Scientific Forum, Moscow, April 11-22, 2022. - Moscow: MAKS Press LLC, 2022.

6. Muntyan, M. E. International legal aspects of preventing an arms race in space: modern initiatives / M. E. Muntean // Agrarian and Land Law. - 2023. - № 7(223). - С. 143-148. - DOI 10.47643/1815-1329_2023_7_143.

7. Muntyan, M. E. International legal aspects of space traffic control / M. E. Muntean // Days of Science of the Faculty of Law of the National Research University Higher School of Economics : Collection of reports of the VI Annual Scientific and Practical Conference, Moscow, March 24-25, 2022. - Moscow: Izdatelstvo «Znanie-M», 2022. - С. 125-127.
1. Bachelor's degree in «Jurisprudence» 40.03.01 (diploma with honors) - MGIMO MFA of Russia - 2017 - 2021. - Specialization: international law.

2. Master's degree in «Jurisprudence» 40.04.01 (diploma with honors) - MGIMO MFA of Russia - 2021 - 2023. - Program: «International Economic Law».

3. Postgraduate studies in the direction 5.1.«International Legal Sciences». - MGIMO MFA of Russia - 2023 - 2026. - Department of International Law.
Research interests: International space law, in particular issues of international legal regulation of the management of the movement of space objects, limitation of the arms race in space and the exploitation of natural resources of celestial bodies; nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament.
Professional direction: Organization of competitions, scholarship programs, support of grant work
Head of the Competitions and Grants Department
+7 (495) 363-77-22 ext. 203
9, Bld. 4 Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., 125167 Moscow, Russia
Marina Muntyan
Andrey Yanik
Russian scientist-economist, member of the New Economic Association of Russia, full State Counselor of the Russian Federation, 1st class (1998)

Mariam Yuzbashyan
Specialist in international space law, international private space law, including legal support of international commercial space projects.

Valentin Uvarov
Russian expert, specialist in space policy, economics and law, member of the International Institute of Space Law, Director of ANO Space Economics and Policy

Svetlana Popova
Russian research scientist, member of the International Institute of Space Law, State Counselor of the Russian Federation 1st class

Andrey Bogokin
Strategic management consultant, PhD in Economics. Author of methodologies «Active Scenario», «Designing Event Flows» and «The Role of Strategic Scenarios in Changing Business Reality»

Autonomous non-commercial organization Research Center «Space Economy and Policy»
Политика обработки персональных данных