I am involved in U.S. and Japanese space policy and national cooperation in space. Professional interests include spacepower, manned space, private space sector development, and communication of space organizations to the public.
Japan and China's regional space organizations: a course towards convergence? Journal of International Aspect, 2024. The role of private companies in the formation of US space power. Journal of Russian Political Science, 2023. «The Artemis Accords»: how the US is forming a new space alliance. RSMD, 2021.
«Science Fights: Vyshka» Science project, Higher School of Economics (Jan. 2024): «They Want to Steal the Moon: How to Assess the Influence of One Space Power on Another» Knowledge Week Project, Kept Audit and Consulting Firm (Sept. 2024): «Where do our perceptions of space science come from?»
New World full-service advertising agency (2023 - present). Junior Public Relations Manager
Bachelor's degree, RANEPA (2018-2022). Program «Foreign Regional Studies and Political Economy Analysis», ION.
Minor (additional specialization profile) «Modern Media Text».
Master's degree, National Research University Higher School of Economics (2022-2024). Program «Socio-economic and Political Development of Modern Asia» (in English), FMEiMP.
Postgraduate Program, RSU (2024 - present). Profile «History of International Relations», Department of American Studies.
Professional direction: Analytics
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