Lawyer in international space, tax and corporate law.
Research interests: Taxation of space companies, legal regulation of microsatellites.
Research work:
1. Member of the International Institute of Space Law. 2017-2019.
2. Participant in the European round of mutcourt, an international competition on space law named after. Manfred Lachs. 2018 г.
3. Semifinalist of the Russian taxation competition «Tax Live. Law Live». 2019 г.
4. Participant of mutcourt, an international competition on international and European tax law organized by the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. 2021 г.
5. Winner of the mutcourt on international taxation organized by the Russian branch of the International Tax Association (Ros-IFA). 2021 г.
6. Article «Legal Liability of Space Operators.» // Modern problems of international space and air law : materials of the round table of the XV International Congress «Blischenkov Readings». Moscow, April 22, 2017.
7. Article «Liability for cyberattacks in international space law.» // Modern problems of international space law : materials of the round table of the XVI International Congress «Blishchenkov Readings». Moscow, April 14, 2018.
8. Article «Problems of placement of illegal satellites in near-Earth orbit». // Jurisprudence 2.0 : a new look at the law : a collection of abstracts of the interuniversity scientific-practical conference with international participation. Moscow, RUDN. December 08, 2018.
9. Article «Features of the legal regime of taxation of companies engaged in space activities in the Russian Federation and the United States.» // Modern problems of international space and air law : proceedings of the round table of the XVII International Congress «Blishchenkov Readings». Moscow, April 13, 2019.
10. Article «Taxation of Space Companies in Russia and in the United States» (IAA-AAS-SciTech2019-051 - AAS 19-987) // First IAA/AAS Scitech Forum on Space Flight Mechanics and Space Structures and Materials. Volume 174. Advances In The Astronautical Sciences. First printing in 2021. Library of Congress Card No. 57-43769. ISSN 0065-3438.
11. Article «Tax Aspects of Regulation of Space Companies in the UAE, the USA and the Russian Federation» // Law, Society, State : problems of theory and history : proceedings of the International Scientific Student Conference. Moscow, PFUR, April 24-25, 2020.
2015-2019. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Faculty of Law. Department of Financial Law (state-legal profile). Degree: bachelor's degree
2019-2021. MGIMO (U) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. International Law Faculty. International Financial Law Program. Degree: Master's degree.
Foreign languages: English and Italian.
9, Bld. 4 Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., 125167 Moscow, Russia